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DIY, Inspiration, Decoration

DIY - Make your swimsuit bag

Photo : DIY - Make your swimsuit bag
With this new tutorial, your wet, sand-filled bathing suits will no longer stain all your belongings. These bags are waterproof and reversible!
Duration : 1h40 (including 1h drying time)
Difficulty : 2/5
Material : DIY - Make your swimsuit bag


  • 22 x 50 cm white cotton fabric (blue for boy model)
  • 21 x 50 cm pastel printed fabric
  • Drops of different pink fabrics (blue for the boy model)
  • 40 cm pink bias (blue for boy)
  • 60 cm of fine cord or ribbon
  • Odif Odicoat
  • Wide brush or Odiclette
  • Odif 101 Temporary adhesive for cutting
  • Sewing pliers
  • Sewing thread
  • PM safety pin
  • Sewing machine
  • Cutting board, rotary cutter and cutting ruler
  • Sewing scissors
  • Parchment paper
  • Iron

Step 1

Step 1
  • Cut the edges of the fabric rectangles so that they are neat using the rotary cutter.

Step 2

Step 2
  • Coat each fabric rectangle with a layer of Odicoat by applying it with the flat brush or the Odiclette and leave to dry for about 20 minutes in the open air.

Step 3

Step 3
  • Photocopy the supplied templates and glue the back of the paper with the Odif 101 Adhesive.
  • Stick the pattern of the corresponding pieces on the chosen fabric scraps and cut the different pieces of the swimsuit.
  • With the Odif Odicoat, glue in place on the rectangle area of white fabric folded in 2 in length the bottom of the jersey about 5 cm from the fold.

Step 4

Step 4
  • Glue the different parts of the swimsuit with the Odicoat.
  • Run a new layer of Odicoat over the entire surface of the 2 rectangles of fabric and let it dry for 20 minutes.

Step 5

Step 5
  • Iron the 2 rectangles of fabric at medium temperature by protecting the fabric with a sheet of parchment paper so that the sole of the iron does not stick.

Step 6

Step 6
  • Fold the printed fabric rectangle in half lengthwise, reverse outwards and sew both sides.

Step 7

Step 7

Repeat the same operation with the white tissue rectangle.

Step 8

Step 8
  • Turn the 2 formed pockets, place them outwards, then apply a new layer of Odicoat, emphasizing the seams to seal them.
  • Let dry for 20 minutes then iron again, protecting the fabric with a sheet of parchment paper.

Step 9

Step 9
  • Flip the printed fabric pocket, upside down, and slide it into the white fabric pocket (side up).
  • Prick the bias straddling the edge of the 2 pockets.

Step 10

Step 10


  • With the aid of a safety pin, pass the fine cord or ribbon through the corridor.


Tip: It is quite possible to add to your sakamayo beads, rhinestones, and other shapes according to your desires!



Everything is ready! Taking a dip at the pool or the beach has never been easier!
And for the rest of the year, these small bags can also be used to put your shoes on when going on a trip for example!


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